Week 2 Update . . . Reality Sets In

Hallo Füsters!

GG hopes this weekly communication finds you happy and a little tired this Sunday, as the wave of sudden activity from the last week washes over you on what is definitely NOT a rest day! Yes, it’s Sunday but this means nothing to those who Füste! So, sore, tired, whatever your mumble mouthed complaint is today, make sure you get out there and keep earning the punkte! Also GG hopes your transition through sugar and alcohol related DTs is going well and your seizure threshold remains truly unachievable! Fight through it and it will pass (the DTs, not the seizure; have a seizure and you should probably call 911). On the positive side, have you weighed yourself recently? If you’re Füsting to the games requirement’s and GG’s expectations, you should have dropped your first pound of flank meat (at least). If not, you need to do better in Week 2. Why suffer like this if not to gift yourself the elimination of a mile of extra vasculature (this is true, each pound of fat has an associated MILE of extra veins and arteries and so, so gross)? Keep it up!

Here’s the tea:

  • Due to a truly shocking number of Füsters who currently have COVID or COVID like symptoms and are not relishing the idea of leaping into a body of ice cold water, GG is extending the final date for the Polar Plunge until Friday, January 14th at 5PM PST. Hopefully this will give you Omicron carriers enough time to get it together and go get wet and cold without developing COVID lung as a result!

  • Week 2 starts the game for real, as in:

    • A myriad of bonuses have been released on the game Bonus Page. There’s a ton of information there about how to earn bonuspunkte starting TOMORROW. Make sure you go to the page here and review everything. Even if you’re a repeat Füster, make sure you take a look at the new info cause some things may have changed. And please remember (VERY IMPORTANT POINT COMING UP), you can only earn one bonus per day! GG will say it again, you can only earn one bonus per day. So choose wisely!

    • STRAVA bonuses begin tomorrow for the month of January. Quick note, if you completed the Run 5K Challenge during Week 1, GG will honor it. Send him the required proof (as described on the Bonus page) and score yourself for the completed bonus on tomorrow’s (Monday, Jan. 10th) DRT report. And if you erroneously scored yourself for this bonus last week, don’t worry, GG deleted it so go ahead and do it again tomorrow.

    • Homework is now in full effect. And to be clear here, there is NO DAILY REPORTING REQUIREMENT for Homework. You just do the homework each day as best you can and to your ability and then complete the KoG Weekly Assessment on the following weekend. There’s a ton of detail on this on both the Homework page (here) and the Bonus page (here). So don’t pretend to be shocked when GG hits you with next weekend’s assessment request. Do your homework (again, as best you can) and earn bonuspunkte.

    • Fasting begins this week (GG knows and pretty much agrees, barf). Tuesday, Jan. 11th is the first Half Fastentag (water only) fasting day, starting at sunup and going to sundown (local times observed for those not in CA or even in the U.S.). Then Thursday, Jan. 13th is the first Full Fastentag Day where you will observe a 24 hour fast of clear liquids only, starting Thursday at midnight and going until Friday at the same time. The back to back structure here is intentional and meant to cause extreme misery to that parasitical flank meat hugging your midsection. Also, if you read the Bonus page, you’ll note that one of your five Olympic Rings is earned via the completion of all 8 fasting days so better saddle up and join GG on the miserable trail of hunger and irritation. Apologies to all by-standers and non-Füste family members caught in the cross-fire!

  • One quick note on the DRT. There’s a small issue with how you report the Friend Gift bonus and it’s a problem derived by the tool itself. You can only report the delivery of a gift as a daily total. So, if tomorrow you deliver 2 of the 5 gifts, you need to select “FRIEND GIFT X2”, not “FRIEND GIFT X1” twice. Deliver three gifts in one day, select “FRIEND GIFT X3” etc. Hopefully that makes sense when you go to report. If not, just ping GG and he’ll explain further.

  • New this year, GG is going to be sending out an Individual Bonus Allowance tracking sheet that you can use to help navigate the bonus play during WF22. It has all the bonuses that are going to be released during the game, week by week, point values, and even a little check box so you can mark what you completed. It also has the full name of each bonus (as posted on the website Bonus page) and also the nickname you’ll find for that bonus on the DRT. GG hopes this will make overall game play a little easier for you. This document will be released in the next couple of days.

  • One final point for this week’s update, GG’s first travel period starts today (Sunday) and goes through Wednesday. When GG’s on the road you can expect delays in response times to your communications. It’s inevitable as GG is not home and plugged into Füste HQ. You may also see Bestenliste updates coming out later at night (but you’ve already seen that this weekend thanks to the great County of Los Angeles and their little Omicron problem, don’t get GG started on his day job). So anyways, deal with it.

Alright, Füsters, that’s it for today. You guys have been doing an amazing job reporting off each day (except for those of you who haven’t been; you know who you are). Keep going. It only gets harder from here but as it does, the benefits also increase so there’s that. GG’s glad you’re here and hopes you’re having fun!

May the Füste be with you always,
