Hallo Füsters!

Week 7 finds us having completed Periode II and now moving into the final Periode of WF23 game play. The big difference from here on out: NO SKWADS! That’s right, it’s every Füster for themselves for the next 20 days! And while the Lokale Legendes may be rewarded their bonuses, that doesn’t guarantee that they will win the title of Bestenfüste! Yes, the +3p bonus gives them some cushion but you never know what can happen on any given day on the Spielbrett. So keep up the hard work and finish strong and you just might find yourself standing on the podium!


  • All Periode I and II bonuses are now sunset. Only Periode III bonuses (plus the Snow Angel and Paid Event) are in play from here until the Finalefüste. The new Week7 bonuses are posted here.

  • The Homework page has also been updated through the end of the game as well. Go here to check out how much pain you’re going to be in for the next three weeks.

  • Speaking of pain . . . it’s time for Trippelts! Starting Monday, Feb. 13th, you may complete, at the most, the following workouts each week:

    • 4 Trippelts

    • 2 Doppelts

    • 1 Singelt

    Remember, a Trippelt is either the same exercise X3 (not really, go here to review the actual requirements) OR it’s a Doppelt + a different type of Singelt OR it’s three different Singelts. Also remember, you don’t have to do Trippelts at all (or Doppelts for that matter). Do what you want or are able to do. You’ll still earn punkte, just not as many . . .

  • Week 7’s Scavenger Hunt (for those playing this bonus) is as follows: go out into the world and find the California State Flag hoisted in a public venue. Send GG a selfie with the flag in clear view above or behind you!

  • Drachen season is right around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to do to slay yours . . . For new players, a “Drachen” is the final challenge of any Füsting event. It is equal to FIVE individual Singelt workouts (the reduced parameters for Doppelt and Trippelt workouts do not carry over to the Drachen). This means that if you were to slay your Drachen by just running, you’ll have to do five Singelt 5K runs (so 25K or 15 miles total). Yes, this is a lot and YES, this final bonus is designed to challenge you, push you, maybe even break you. But it’s also about finding out that you can do so much more than you ever thought you could (just ask someone who’s slayed a Drachen). You can combine any of the Singelt workouts to get your Drachen five . . . you could do a 5K run, walk for an hour, do another 5K run, swim 1650 yards and then finish by riding your mountain bike. This is just an example as the combination possibilities are limitless. All Drachens must be defined before attempting slayage and you must contact GG to get his approval of your proposal BEFORE you head out. Couple things . . . you cannot use yoga or a gym workout or a home workout as part of a Drachen. You must go outside and into the world to earn this bonus! The 5 workouts must be done back to back as a single event. Drachen proposals are due by Feb. 19th. Drachens may be slayed starting Sunday, Feb. 26th through the end of the game. Define the Drachen, slay the Drachen, earn the Drachen’s booty with a +15p bonus!

That’s it for now. You’ve got plenty to do as we enter into the final, incredibly demanding Periode of Winterfüste 2023! Three more weeks and you’re done! Keep up the amazing work and finish strong!

May the Füste be ever with you!