Week 6: Closing Out Periode II

Hallo Füsters!

We’re over the hump and past the Cheat Day (how’d it go??) and now we’re in the back half of the game. From here on out we’ll crank up the bonus and exercise requirements as we transition into the final Periode of game play . . .


  • This is the final week of both Periode II and much more importantly, of Skwad Kombat. Whomever in your Skwad has the highest punkte total as of midnight next Sunday will be rewarded with the +3p Lokale Legende bonus. What happens if there’s a tie? Well, we’ve got a little tradition here at the Füste called the “plank-off” so yeah, if you think you’re going to be the best in your Skwad, hopefully you’ve been doing your homework! Either way, keep a close eye on Skwad play this week as we enter the final run to see how the top 12 players of the game shake out going into Periode III.

  • More and more bonuses have been released and homework for this week was already posted so get to it!

  • Remember, this is the last week of Doppelt play so, like the last two weeks, you can score 4 Doppelts if you’re so enclined. Next week, we’ll start with Trippelt play.

  • Don’t forget that you also have your second Midterm next weekend, so there’s that too . . .

Alright, that’s about it for this week’s updates. Have a great week and good luck to all Skwad players who are in contention for a big win next weekend!