Hallo Füsters!
This week we’ll finish out Periode II of Winterfüste. Remember, this means that all bonuses from Week 4 and 5 (and 6) must be completed by next Sunday, Feb. 18th (excepting Paid Event and Snow Angel). After that, we’re moving on to Periode III and the final three weeks of game play and most importantly: Trippelts!
New Individual and Haus Bonuses released (go HERE).
Homework has been updated for Week 6 (go HERE).
6th Fastentag is tomorrow, Feb. 12th. Time to get hangry once more! Clear liquids only from dawn to dusk!
Scavenger Hunt #6: To celebrate the Year of the Dragon, head out and find a dragon of your very own. Picture, sculpture, lawn ornament, whatever you can find . Send a selfie to GG to score this weeks +1p Scavenger Hunt.
Short and sweet update this week, Füsters! Have a good one and those playing in NorCal, try and stay dry during the back half of the week!