Week 4: One down, two to go . . .

Hallo Füsters!

Periode I is officially behind us (to include the Polar Plunge; GG will miss the amazing videos of your suffering!) and on to Periode II and the introduction of Doppelt Schmerzenfüste game play! Let’s get it on!

  • First and foremost, yes, Doppelts have arrived (go HERE to review the parameters)! What’s a Doppelt? It’s either two separate Singelt workouts (e.g. a run and a spin) or the completion of one single workout within the defined requirements of a true Doppelt (e.g. a Doppelt swim is 2500 yards; if you did two separate Singelt swims it would add up to 3000 yards so clearly completing a true Doppelt comes with a little benefit of reduced yardage . . . for some workouts, not all). Complete a Doppelt to score +2p for that day’s exercise!

  • For Periode II, Week 4, the overall workout availability is a little different:

    • You must take one day off from exercise this week as a rest day. Doesn’t matter which day, totally up to you, but you must take one day off for recovery. For that day, on the DRT, you’ll just report exercise as a “Nope, I’m a lazy long dog” (for you unstoppable maniacs, this doesn’t mean you can’t exercise on that 7th day, it just means you won’t get any punkte for it . . . so do whatever you need to do).

    • For the six possible workout days during Week 4, three of them may be Doppelts. The rest must be Singelts.

    • Remember, completion of Doppelts is 100% voluntary. You can continue to just do Singelts everyday but you’ll fall behind in points pretty quickly.

  • One important thing to note for Periode II exercise, if you’ve been using the “weighted” option for your daily walks/hikes, the new weight requirement is 20 pounds (up from 10). That’s right, you heard GG. You don’t get to rest on your Periode I accomplishments! It’s time to level up!

  • New bonuses are available . . . remember, bonuses from Periode I are no longer valid (except for the Snow Angel, which is good till the Finalefüste). There’s one new bonus this week that will also be available through the end of the game: The Siegerfüste Allowance (Paid Event). Go HERE to review the available bonuses.

  • The daily parameters for Homework have increased again (sensing a theme here?). Next weekend will be your “Mid Term” so hopefully you’ve been keeping up on things and haven’t let a Long Dog eat your homework.

  • While were on the topic of next weekend, believe it or not, that’s the halfway point of the game and as such, you will have the option to take a "Cheat Day” on either Saturday or Sunday. That means (if you really want to), you can eat or drink anything you like, as well as laze around on the couch and do nothing at all for exercise. If you’re going to take this option, you must let GG know in advance which day you intend to get gross . . . and you’ll still score yourself all three daily points for the day!

  • Fastentag #4 is tomorrow so don’t forget to keep away from your mouthhole until the sun sets!

  • Two more big events this week as well:

    • If you made it all January without a single drop of alcohol, you’ll get to score yourself the Dry January Bonus when you report for the 31st!

    • Ground Hog Day is Friday and many of you know what that means: get ready to go in circles until you feel like you might be losing your mind (“Don’t drive angry!”). GHD is a one day bonus and only available this Friday.

  • Some of you may have noticed there’s a pattern to GG’s daily responsiveness. Yes, he’s got a full time job just like you. So he tries to check his game phone in the AM and then again in the late afternoon and evenings but don’t be surprised if your question or comment goes unanswered during business hours. He does his best but he’s only one Grolarbär with a lot of responsibilities.

That’s it for tonight. Hope you all have a great Week 4 and finish the first half of Winterfüste strong! You’re all doing amazing work so keep it up! And even if you haven’t been performing to the level you hoped, you’ve got 6 more weeks to put that flank meat under duress which is plenty of time to do it some serious damage!

May the Füste be with you!