Week 2: The one where the detox starts kicking in . . .

Evening, Füsters!

Welcome to Week 2! By the time you read this the 10th day of WF25 should basically be complete and with 8 weeks to go we’ll have barely even scratched the surface of the game. One thing you might start noticing is that you’re actively going through a mild detox and your cravings for sugar or alcohol might spike this week. Just hold it together and you’ll be fine. Drink a big glass of water. Better yet, tell you flank meat to go pound sand and double down on your cravings by going for a run or a walk or whatever it is you do to earn that exercise punkte! Point being, you’ll probably fight these cravings for another two weeks but by the end of Periode I you should be clean and clear of your lifelong programming to practice corporate sponsored self-destruction in the form of a sleeve of Oreos (GG will step down from his soapbox now).

Ok, on with this week’s update:

  • Tomorrow (Jan. 13th) we’ve got our second dawn to dusk fast. And then after sunset we’ve got the Wolf Moon Side Quest as the year’s first full moon rises into the night sky!

  • And while we’re on the topic, Week 2 shows a whole new batch of Weekly bonus opportunities on the table: Long Winter Wog #2, So Many Stairs #2, Wanderungfüste #1 and the Mitternachtsonne Allowance (GO HERE to review all the details). Remember that the Week 1 Weekly bonuses are retired and unavailable as of midnight tonight.

  • Week 2’s Side Quests are pretty simple: Lucky Friend Gift #2, the Wolf Moon Allowance, and then the continued offering of both the Paid Event and Snow Angel Side Quests (these are the only two activities in the game that are available to you during the entire 9 weeks of WF25).

  • Keep on your homework as you’re only a week away from the first planking bonus of the game (a 1 min plank). Remember, the goal is be able to do the entire Daily 50 in one event by the Finalefüste so don’t beat yourself up if you’re struggling right now. It’s not easy and it’s going to take consistency to get there so just submit to the grind and success awaits you in March.

Couple more points/observations from Week 1:

  • If you know that you accidentally reported twice on the DRT for any given day, please just drop a text to GG letting him know. It’s no big deal but a lot easier for GG to deal with if he proactively can go fix it before the end of the day and doesn’t discover it on his own when he’s building the Bestenliste . . .

  • There are still a number of players who are double reporting on STRAVA. You may not even know you’re doing this. The way you can tell is that a single workout shows up twice, one right after the other in your personal feed, with almost identical mileage and time. This is happening because you have two data sources feeding STRAVA at the same time (usually one source is your iPhone and the other might be a fitness watch or some other device). All you have to do to correct this (if you don’t want to deal with the two device issue) is delete one of the two identical workouts. If you don’t fix this issue then you’ll be ineligible for the weekly total’s recognition and your data will skew the collective end of the game totals. So GG would greatly appreciate it if you’d fix the problem without him having to call out individual Füsters. Danke.

  • And just another reminder that during M-F business hours (and after 9pm PST), there may be a significant delay to any question or communication you send to GG. If you have something important you need answered, try to text it as early as possible in the AM and GG will do his best to answer you if it impacts that day’s activities.

That’s it for now. You guys are all doing great and GG is very impressed with not only the amount of activity going on but also everyone’s reporting diligence so far. You’re making GG happy and a happy Grolarbär is a generous and benevolent Grolarbär so keep it up!