Evening Füsters and happy end of Week 2!
As we move into Week 3, it’s important to remember that we will be closing out Periode I next Sunday. Why’s GG mentioning this? Couple reasons. Week 3 will the be last week of dawn to dusk fasts for a while (24hr Fastentag starts Week 4) and it’s the last week where you only have the option of Singelts for exercise (Doppelts will be in play starting Jan. 27th). But, let’s not put der Warenkorb before das Pferd here and stay focused on Week 3, which is really just a continuation of what you’ve been doing the last two weeks as you continue the slow ramp up towards the meat of the game!
Tomorrow on the DRT you’re going to see the following question: DID YOU SCORE FOOD, DRINK AND EXERCISE POINTS EVERY DAY SINCE THE STARTENFÜSTE? This is where you report your successful Quitter’s Day Bonus . . . remember, the parameters of this bonus are that you scored all available food, drink and exercise points since the Startenfüste on Jan. 2nd (to include today, Jan. 19th). Yes, you can take this bonus if you had to take a sick day during that time as the sick day point allowance is meant to cover your inability to exercise due to sickness or injury.
12 hour Fastentag tomorrow (Jan. 20th, dawn to dusk. You know what to do!
New bonuses (both Weekly and Side Quest; go HERE and scroll down to Week 3). Again, you know what to do!
Homework . . . keep it up. This week is the first Plankenfüste Allowance of the game (only a 1 minute plank) but it’s a good test to see where your strength is after 17 days of game play. If you can’t do the 1 min plank then you probably need to take a hard look at what your doing day to day as even completing some of the Daily 50 should be helping you here.
Sunday of next week (the last day of Periode I) will see the introduction of something new to Winterfüste: Aufholentag. This day will allow you to make-up one bonus event you may have left behind during Week 1 or Week 2. If you’ve been playing a perfect game up to that point then this day will be a day off from exercise for you (but only if you’ve scored all the bonus points through Sunday). More to come on this important change!
Point of clarity: yes, this week there’s a Weighted Walk Bonus Allowance (15 pounds). Yes, it’s exactly the same as the daily walk exercise parameter (when you add weight to shorten your walk from 4 miles to 3 miles). Yes, if you do this bonus you’ll also get to score yourself the walk exercise point for the day and vice versa. Hope that makes sense as there’s always some confusion around this bonus activity for some reason.
GG once again requests the assistance of the Füsters in asking for proactive and preemptive communication when you accidentally or intentionally double report on the DRT. GG will go one step further here: if you’re thinking about double reporting because you forgot to add something (like a completed bonus) to your daily report, just let GG know and he’ll be happy to add the missing activity and point to your scoring sheet. Not a problem and much easier then GG having to go in and edit out a double report!
Still have some folks double posting to the STRAVA feed. As it’s been 2.5 weeks now, GG will be reaching out to individual Füsters who continue to have this issue. Don’t take offense when this happens! GG knows that you probably don’t even realize that it’s happening or the impact it has on game total data collection.
And one more re-re-reminder: if you’re not on that night’s Bestenliste, it probably means you forgot to report that AM. 👍
That’s it for this Sunday’s fireside chat with GG. Hope you all have a good week. It’s not going to be an easy one for a lot of reasons but always remember that one of the best stress releases you can practice is exercise! So get out there and shake it off as needed!
Wir stecken alle zusammen da drin!