Evening Füsters!
Hope you had a good Week 5 and are ready to close out Periode II this coming week! We've got four total weeks of game play left and still plenty of time for you to make a meaningful impact on that pesky flank meat (if you haven’t already!).
Here’s the scoop for Week 6:
This is the last week of game play before Trippelts kick in! This week you can complete a total of four Doppelts and the rest of the days must be Singelts. Good luck!
Another dreaded 24hr Fastentag hits tomorrow. By this point you should know the drill!
Week 6 Weekly and Side Quest Bonuses are updated. Go check ‘em out HERE.
Second full moon Side Quest activity of Winterfüste hits this week on Wednesday night, Feb. 12th. It’s a “Snow Moon” so that’s probably appropriate. Details on the bonus page!
As we’re closing out Periode II, you get your second Aufholentag next Sunday (Feb. 16th) where you will again have the opportunity to “make-up” any single bonus you may have left on the table over the last couple weeks.
The bonuses available to you are:
CLIMB #2 (+3p)
MILE FOR TIME #2 (+1p)
PARK #2 (+3p)
Remember, same rules as last time. If by Sunday morning you have scored all the possible Weekly Bonus bonuses (bonuses) for Periode II, then you can take the day off of exercise. If you need to use the Aufholentag to get caught up, then it’s a normal day for you which means you still have to do a daily workout IN ADDITION to whichever bonus you’re making up.
That’s it for tonight. GG knows we’re starting to get into the dark days of Winterfüste where you may be considering an early retirement so you can go back to your normal routines of self-abuse. DON’T DO IT! March 8th will be here before you know it and you’ll regret your decision to not stick it out and push through to the Finalefüste! Your flank meat wants you to give up, it wants you to get back on the sugar and alcohol train. At this point, your meat knows that defeat is just around the corner and will pull out all the stops to get you to give up! Don’t give it the satisfaction as you have four more weeks of pain to dole out! Keep it together and let’s all finish out Periode II from a position of strength!
May the Füste be with you,