Week 7: The Home Stretch Begins Now!

Evening Füsters!

Time for us to say goodbye to Periode II of WF25 as we now transition into the final game period of the last three weeks. Unfortunately, we’re also saying goodbye to a large number of fellow Füsters who have had to retire out of the game for one reason or another. We’re now down to about 60% of the players who started Winterfüste (normal for the game) so if you’re reading this then you’re clearly one of the elite hardcore players for this year! Congrats for making it here and let’s all finish the next three weeks together and strong! it’s going to take a lot of effort, GG won’t lie, but it’ll be worth the pain and suffering to watch your flank meat recoil in horror for a couple more weeks!

On with the update:

  • Let’s start Week 7 with some good news: after deep reflection, GG has decided to forgo the planned 48 hour fast this coming week and scale it back to one last 24 hour Fastentag (Week 8 and Week 9 will now both be dawn to dusk fasts). Reasoning here is that with the introduction of Trippelts and some of the longer final series bonuses hitting, GG feels it’s a bit of a bridge too far to throw in two full days of fasting. Call it a minor design flow in this year’s pre-planning (but GG figures few of the Füsters are going to complain here). Only issue will be you will not be able to report your 24 hour Monday fast until Wednesday’s DRT. Too late to change that but not a real big deal.

  • As mentioned above, with Periode III comes the release of the Trippelt Schmerzenfüste work-out parameters. As a reminder, a Trippelt workout is worth +3p but it demands a heavy toll as you’ll need to complete one of the following scenarios:

    • Three seperate Singelts (they don’t have to be completed back to back but can be spread out over the day)

    • One Singelt and one Doppelt (again, can be done separately)

    • One actual Trippelt work-out (go HERE to review the requirements)

    Remember that some Weekly Bonuses may count as a Tripplet so pay close attention to those details. And for Week 7, you’ll be able to score two Trippelts. The other five days you can take three Singelts and two Doppelts.

  • No, you’re not seeing this wrong as this week’s Long Winter Wog skips the 10 mile mark and goes straight to 11 miles. Yes, this is a lot. But the bonus isn’t called a “short” Winter Wog and it’s not meant to be easy. If you’re doing the math in the background, you probably have already figured out why this is the second time in the game that we’ve jumped up an extra mile (three weeks left and we’re at 11 so . . . possible note-worthy distance for the final week of game play!). To incentivize this very long Winter wog, you’ll not only score a Trippelt but you’ll also score a +6p bonus on completion! Yes, GG is a task master but you’ll get your rewards for compliance!

  • For this week’s So Many Stairs bonus, you’ll earn a Singelt workout for the first time (in addition to the +3p bonus.). Do with that information what you will.

  • Couple of other Week 7 Weekly and Side Quest Bonuses to check the details on by going HERE.

  • Probably time to start thinking about Week 9 and Drachenfüsten. For new players left in the game, the slayage of your Drachen is the ultimate goal and event during Winterfüste. A Drachen is equal to 5X a Singelt workout but you can combine back to back Singelts and Doppelts and Trippelts to create a Drachen (e.g. add a 4 mile walking Singelt to a 5.5. mile running Doppelt plus a 45 minute spin Singelt and finally a 7000m row Singelt and you’d have yourself a very slayable Drachen). Now, you can also have your Drachen focus on a only one workout parameter like running or swimming or cycling (e.g. run a half marathon or ride 70 miles on a bike). You can go HERE to review the Drachen requirements listed for each single workout type if you want to go in that direction. Remember, you are free to be creative on how you want to design your Drachen event but you must notify GG in advance of what you want to do so he can approve your planned slayage. Open season on Drachens starts March 1st so you’ll have the final 8 days of game play to do the deed here! If you have any questions at all, just reach out to GG and he’ll be happy to explain in more detail.

That’s it for tonight’s update. With only 20 days of game play left, it’s time to double down on the commitment you made to yourself when you signed up for Winterfüste over 6 weeks ago! These final weeks will absolutely be intense and are designed to put the hurt on your flank meat in such a way that it’s traumatized for the rest of the year! Let’s do this together and show that meat that the only final outcome of Winterfüste ‘25 is it’s unconditional defeat!

May the Füste be with you for Periode III!