Finalefüste Eve '25

Hallo Füsters!

Very quick communication from GG on how things will go down tomorrow, the Finalefüste for WF25 . . .

First, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and don’t forget to complete you sunset walk and pic tonight. Even if you don’t care about the point or the walk, please send GG a sunset selfie tonight as a way to say goodbye to Winterfüste and your Geschäftsführer!

Now for tomorrow, here’s the basic timeline to finish out the game:

  1. Get up and complete your final weigh-in. This should be your fourth time at this and will be your finishing weight for WF25. As always (and GG feels like some of you don’t take him seriously when he says this but he’s DEADLY serious), put some damn socks on if you have gross feet (or maybe we just say everyone wears socks because when it comes to your feet, this group has an elevated sense of self-confidence).

  2. Use the DRT to report off for today (Friday, March 7th), like normal.

  3. Don’t eat sugar or processed foods and don’t drink alcohol (until GG rings the finishing bell at sunset).

  4. Complete your Final Exam. As a reminder, this is one full set of the Daily 50 homework assignment recorded on time lapse and sent to GG.

  5. Exercise to whatever level you need to finish your personal game (Singelts, Doppelts, Trippelts, whatever).

  6. Bonus as needed (if you have any outstanding bonuses for Week 9).

  7. Tomorrow is also the final make-up day for WF25. If you have any of the following bonuses left to do, you can do ONE of them (but it will NOT count as your exercise for the day; like the other two make-up days, anything you make-up must done in addition to your normal daily activity for tomorrow). One important thing here . . . if you do a make-up bonus, you need to let GG know what you did via text (there’s no way to report it on the DRT . . . whoops).

    Here’s the eligible make-up bonuses:

    • LONG WINTER WOG - 11 MILES (+6p)

    • MILE FOR TIME #3 (+1p)

    • PARK #3 (+3p)

    • STAIRS - 80 FLIGHTS (+3p)

    • WORK OF ART (+3p)

    • BASSACKWARDS (+1p)

    • CLIMB #3 (+6p)

    • LONG WINTER WOG -12 MILES (+6p)

    • STAIRS - 90 FLIGHTS (+3p)

    • TRIPLEFÜSTEN (+6p)

  8. Once your done with all this, complete the Ice Bucket Bonus Allowance (go read the details HERE if you need a refresher).

  9. Finally, report off one last time on the DRT for what you did on the Finalefüste. You don’t have to wait till sunset to do this if you’re all done with your activities and you know you’re not going to eat or drink bad before the bell rings.

And that’s it. Do some or all of these things by sunset and the game will come to an end for a record setting ninth year. GG will collate the numbers and put out the final Bestenliste tomorrow night (be patient). Sunday he will put out the final game update to include our collective achievement totals (GG’s favorite part of this whole thing).

So enjoy your Friday night and GG will see you on the Spielbrett tomorrow, the Finalefüste!
