Week 9: And now for the last . . .


We’re coming to the end of yet another Winterfüste gaming season and as always GG can’t quite believe it’s almost over. If you’ve stuck by the tenets of the game and played even moderately well, you should be seeing a reduction in flank meat and an overall improvement in your health! But we’re not quite done yet as we’ve still got one final week to spend together and while GG personally doesn’t think this is the hardest week of Winterfüste, it does have a lot of moving parts so pay attention to this final game update and you’ll make it through Week 9 mentally and emotionally intact!

Here we go:

  • First and foremost, the Finalefüste is this Saturday, March 8th. Game play will come to an end when the sun sets over Füste HQ in Petaluma, CA, at approximately 06:11pm PST. You will know the game is officially over when you hear the ringing of the Ende der Wachglocke (you’ll understand when it happens; for those in other time zones, the bell will ring as appropriate for where you are geographically; just trust GG here). Once the bell has rung, game play for Winterfüste ‘25 will cease and all points for that final day must be reported in on the DRT so GG can complete the final Bestenliste and declare this year’s Bestenfi! But to be clear, you can and should continue game play right up to when the bell rings. That means maintaining your food, drink, and exercise discipline through sunset. And yes, any available bonus that you have left may be played on the Finalefüste, as long as it’s completed by the ringing of the End of Watch Bell.

  • Your workout parameters for Week 9 are as follows:

    • 3 Trippelts

    • 1 Doppelt

    • 2 Singelts

    Remember, there’s only six days in Week 9 as the Finalefüste is Saturday. And for those of you who slayed their Drachen early this weekend, GG will be auditing your DRT sheet to calculate the impact on this final week’s workout availability (meaning, if you ended up taking a 4th Trippelt during Week 8 because of your Drachen slayage, you will not be able to take the full three Trippelts for Week 9; GG will be in touch).

  • Our final Fastentag is a dawn to dusk affair tomorrow, Monday, March 3rd. One last day of being hangry and irritable! If you’ve completed all nine of the Fastentag events then you will be able to report this on Tuesday’s DRT and will be awarded the +15p Fastentag Completion Überbonus! So, just one last day of keeping clear of your mouth hole will pay out big dividends!

  • Week 9’s final bonus allowances are significant, both in energy expended and punkte awarded. Ever done a half marathon? You will have if you complete the final Long Winter Wog (and yes, this was completely intentional on GG’s part and your willkommen). There’s an extra 10 flights on the final So Many Stairs Bonus (go ahead and call GG a sadist, he can take it) and of course there’s your Drachen flying overhead just begging you to knock it out of the sky with some well aimed gameplay! The 3 minute plank is finally here (for your sins) and so is your Final Exam (scheduled on the Finalefüste). And just for fun, there’s a final sunset pic bonus and GG’s personal favorite, the Eimereisfüste Allowance (or the one where your family and/or friends get to say “F the Füste” and get a tiny bit of revenge on you for putting them through this). Go HERE for all the important details.

  • There’s also a plethora of completion bonuses that are going to hit this week: Stairs, Long Wog, Fastentag and you can still earn the Side Quest Completion Bonus as well. All these point are going to really stir things up on the Bestenliste so make sure to check in nightly!

  • March 8th is also the last Make-Up Day of the game. You can make up any one of the following bonuses that you may have let slip through your fingers during Week 7 or Week 8:

    • LONG WINTER WOG - 11 MILES (+6p)

    • MILE FOR TIME #3 (+1p)

    • PARK #3 (+3p)

    • STAIRS - 80 FLIGHTS (+3p)

    • WORK OF ART (+3p)

    • BASSACKWARDS (+1p)

    • CLIMB #3 (+6p)

    • LONG WINTER WOG -12 MILES (+6p)

    • STAIRS - 90 FLIGHTS (+3p)

    • TRIPLEFÜSTEN (+6p)

    Remember that completing any of these bonuses as a function of the Make-Up Day will not count as your exercise for the Finalefüste (meaning you’ll still have to complete a whole other workout to earn that final day’s exercise points). Also, and while it’s not on the DRT menu, you may use this bonus to “make up” one missing food or drink point from the entirety of the game. In order to do this, you will need to suffer the following activity as punishment for your lack of self control: complete a five mile wog and at the end of each mile, complete a round of 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 air squats and a one minute plank. If you’re going to take this option instead of using the Make-Up Day for one of the bonuses listed above, you need to notify GG of your intent before hand.

So that’s it for now. GG will be more communicative than normal this week just to keep you on track and remind you of the day to day opportunities as we close the game out. For those playing in NorCal, weather is forecast to be krap on Wednesday and Thursday so keep that in the back of your mind when pre-planning your last few days of Schmerzenfüste!

Have a great final week and GG looks forward to seeing you cross the finish line on Saturday!

May the Füste be with you!

Geschäftsführer Griswalde Grolar