Week 5 Update . . .

Sömmer Kamp, where the updates get shorter each week . . .

  • New bonuses posted to the website . . .

  • Remember, one bonus per day, unless otherwise authorised by GG . . .

  • For all bonuses, you must report them as you complete them. Do not hold off on reporting a bonus so that you can stock pile bonuspunkte and use them to drop a hammer late in the game. That’s not a thing. So, make sure you report any bonus earnings within 24 hours of the activity completion.

  • Trippelts start Saturday so prepare yourself as game play set to ramp up in the final two weeks.

  • For those of you looking for your third Olympic ring of the much rumored Maesterbonus, make sure you get your three daily points through this Friday. If you got every daily point for the length of Doppelt play, you’ll earn your third ring (remember, first ring was daily points during Singelt play, second ring was/is get all five Fastentags . . .).

  • Great work on the Friday the 13th bonus last week, as well as the meteor shower late night viewing. GG is always surprised and pleased to see you guys embracing the extra opportunities!

  • Having said that, Saturday the 14th showed a considerable drop off in earning activities so let’s get saddled back up and ready to finish Sömmer Kamp from a point of collective strength. Finish strong!

That’s all for now. Did you read this? In the spirit of National Tell a Joke Day, send GG a joke and earn a +1p bonus for participation . . . And GG is not a sensitive soul so you don’t have to hold back on the joke content. Best one’s will possibly make it to the Füste Twitter feed.

Have a great Week 5 and talk again soon.


Week 4 Update

GG’s finally getting control over his verbosity with this update . . .

  • Olympic Bonus Events ended last night at 5pm. Hopefully you managed to score yourself some bonuspunkte and some medals. A number of Füsters got really creative to earn a Bronze with activities like Rhythmic Gymnastics (an apparent favorite), Weightlifting, Shooting, Beach Volleyball, and Trampoline! Pretty good stuff.

  • A couple of new bonuses have been added to the website for your enjoyment. One’s a crowd pleaser and the other’s been beefed up a bit to really challenge you. Good luck!

  • For those of you proactively sending in homework audits at the end of the week, GG says thank you and he’s very impressed by your dedication to the cause. Having said that, he’s been slow in getting the homework accountability piece going (probably because Sömmer and homework just do not go together). We’ll see if he can get things back on track this week . . .

  • Don’t forget today is Fastentag #3. Complete all 5 Fastentags to earn one of the 5 Rings of the Olympic Maesterbonus!

  • Nothing much else this week then to say excellent work by all and good luck on Week 4 (of 7)!

Griswalde Grolar

Week 3 Update

Hallo Füsters . . .

Nothing GG likes more than a quick and painless update. Here goes.

  • You’ve got 8 more days of eligibility for the Olympic Bonuses. Just a reminder.

  • Don’t forget that Fastentag #2 is tomorrow, Aug. 2nd. No food from dawn to dusk.

  • Doppelt exercise parameters begin this Wednesday the 4th so prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the game to shift up a notch (this also means that for anyone who scored all three punkte each day during the Singelt period will earn their first ring of the 5 Ring Olympic Maesterbonus . . . where are the other four rings hidden? One hint, if you stay hangry every Monday, you just might earn a second ring).

  • STRAVA Challenge Bonuses are now in play (as noted on the Bonuspunkte page HERE). Couple of differences from the past in that you can now earn a collective +15 bonuspunkte each month by completing these challenges. Remember, in addition to reporting on the DRT, you need to send GG proof of completion on these . . . a screenshot of the STRAVA provided “Congratulations, this activity completed . . . “ message from the app will do nicely.

  • Another gentle reminder: you may earn only one bonus per day. Just one. So be tactical in your activities and choices.

  • GG knows that some of the distances and requirements on the Olympic Bonus list are a little wonky. But this is part of a Sömmer event. If you’ll remember, GG messaged that the shorter, less intense mid-year Füstes are where he gets to experiment (which includes making some strange choices and flat out errors). Any pain and suffering that you experience with the Sömmer Olympic Bonuses will be smoothed out by next Winter’s Olympic Bonuses (yep, Winter Olympics coming in 2022, COVID willing and the creek don’t rise).

  • Overall, you guys are doing an amazing job of reporting off, especially on your bonus play. A couple of missteps here and there but for the most part things are going smoothly on this end. Just don’t forget, for some bonuses it’s not enough to just report on the DRT but you need to send whatever proof is required to GG as well.

That’s enough for now. Good luck on Week 3!

Griswalde Grolar

Let’s see who’s reading these updates . . . send GG the answer to the following question and earn a special one time only +1p bonus: Who has the all time record for most Olympic medals won over the course of their entire career?

Week 2 Update

Guten tag, Füsters! Hope everyone had a great weekend and got a chance to win some Olympic bonus medals! Nothing like seeing that little emoji next to your name on the Bestenliste! Smells like . . . victory.

Folks have been peppering GG with some good questions over the last couple of days and he wanted to provide everyone visibility to the answers . . . so here goes.

  • Once you’ve earned a medal in a certain category, that’s it. You can’t earn that medal again. Meaning (and for example), you can’t earn a Silver for running 5000m more than once. Earn your running Silver, move on to the next medal. Make sense?

  • New classic bonuses go live each Sunday . . . so this week, you get Wanderingfüste and the midnight workout bonus, both starting on the 25th. They are then valid for completion through the end of the game. So next batch of classic bonuses will be released next Sunday and they too will be valid through Sept. 3rd. And so on . . .

  • Remember to pay close attention to posted rules. A few of you (and GG will not name names) did not understand that all Olympic bonus runs and walks must be completed on a track and not out in the wild (or on a treadmill). For those who missed this important detail, GG is going to give you a one time pass for this weekend and let you keep your medals (however, you will be challenged to do something extra later in the game to make up for this).

  • Homework begins today (Monday, July 26th). Go to the homework page HERE to find out what you need to be doing. Audits will start next Sunday.

  • Don’t forget that today is the first Fastentag of Sömmer Kamp. That means no solid food from dawn till dusk (approximately 08:26pm).

  • GG has discovered an issue with the STRAVA Group Bonus structure on the STRAVA website and will most likely have to delete and reissue at least one of the bonuses. So if you get an invite to something you’ve already joined, that’s why. Just rejoin and hopefully things will work the way they’re supposed to moving forward.

  • GG will also be making adjustments to some of the lengths in the Gold Medal category. Somehow he managed to make things grossly uneven between the different regimens so he either needs to greatly increase the run distance or decrease everything else.

That’s if for now. So far, the new self report feature for bonuses is going really well! You guys are doing an amazing job. Keep it up and GG just might survive this Füste mentally intact!

Hope you guys have a great week!

Let the Games Begin!

Hallo Füsters!

As promised, today sees the release of a large number of bonus opportunities. Some are the classic bonus allowances you are already familiar with and then there’s the Olympic Bonus Events (valid only during the dates of the XXXII Olympiad) and the new STRAVA Group Bonus Challenges (all details HERE). As per the normal Füste tradition, more bonuses will be dropped weekly but for now you’ve got plenty of ways to earn extra punkte to get out there and do something!

A couple things to remember. You may only complete one bonus allowance or challenge a day, unless otherwise noted by GG. So that goes for both the classic individual bonuses and the new Olympic bonuses. And please remember that all bonus activity will now be logged on your Daily Reporting Tool. If you don’t log it, you won’t get the punkte (with the exception of the STRAVA Group Challenges, which are automatically collated by the system so nothing to do there but go out and get your complete your daily activities).

And just so we’re all clear, here’s an example of how you’d report:

Let’s say that you choose to start out the Olympic bonus period today by earning a Silver Medal in Track and Field and completing the 5000m Olympic Bonus Event challenge. Tomorrow morning you will enter this in your Daily Reporting Tool in the Bonus Completed text box. For Olympic bonuses, alway note the color of the medal you earned and the event completed, so you’d describe this as “Silver 5000m Run” and then select the +2p in the Bonuspunkte drop down box. If on the rare occasion you are allowed to complete more than one bonus on a given day, you can simply enter both in the Bonus Completed text box (e.g. “Silver 5000m Run, 1 Mile Torch Run”) and then make sure to add up the total points in the Bonuspunkte drop down box (so, +2 for the 5000m run and +1 for the Torch Run so enter a +3p total for your earned Bonuspunkte). Should be fairly simple. GG knows this a change from WF reporting and it’s definitely experimental so let’s just see how this goes . . .

Also, for those couple of players who have not paid their game fee, GG is assuming you were waiting for the website pay portal to open because you don’t have Venmo. So, problem solved and you can now go HERE to pay the fee.

If you have any questions at all about the information above, please let GG know.

Alright, that’s it for today! Have a great weekend and go out there and earn some bonuspunkte!

Griswalde Grolar

SK21 Week 1 Update

Good morning, Füsters!

Hope everyone had a good Startenfüste and is ready to ease into Week 1. And by easing in GG means to have you concentrate solely on the daily work of the Füste and earning your three baseline punkte. There’ll be plenty of time for Homework and Bonus play starting this weekend. For now, just focus on the essentials and set your goals for the next seven weeks . . .

Some finer details for your consideration:

  • First up, the daily exercise parameters. Let’s make sure their dates of availability are clear:

    • Singelts: July 17th to Aug. 3rd

    • Doppelts: Aug. 4th to Aug. 20th

    • Trippelts: Aug. 21st to Sept. 3rd

  • Bonus play will begin at the end of the week with both classic bonus opportunities AND a whole new category of “Olympic” Bonus Allowances, based on what all those insanely fit people will be doing over in Japan.

  • Still on the topic of Bonuses, there will be no STRAVA based bonuses available for July. We are already over half way through this month and many Füsters earned those bonuses before Sömmer Kamp even began so, yeah, GG’s going to pass on that logistical nightmare and just say that STRAVA bonuses will come into play once we reach August (and September too).

  • Pelitonians (or whatever you people who ride those expensive indoor bikes with the SUPER annoying commercials call yourselves), it’s been brought to GG’s attention that the 50 minute indoor cycling parameter doesn’t work great for you because Peloton only offers 45 or 60 min classes. But we’ve found a solution in that Peloton does offer 5 min warm up or warm down classes so please simply combine a 45 min and a 5 min class to get your 50 min total. Those of us suffering on our home bike trainers or in spin class thank you for your understanding and commitment here.

  • Shift workers (nurses, medics, law enforcement professionals and the like), GG is aware that you do not work the standard M-F work week like us home office pukes. So that means earning the Getränk Token for your free weekend adult beverage becomes a little confusing. Just reach out to GG and we’ll figure it out together. The goal is to have you earn your three full points every day for a series of days and to have the total reach 15 unbroken points to earn your Token. That should be doable. For the rest of us, today, Monday July 19th, is the first day of the five in a row that you’ll need to earn your +3p each day through Friday to earn the right to a Sömmer drink next weekend.

  • Did you weigh-in and complete the Startenfüste Assessment? Did you sign your waiver? Did you pay your game fee? Did you register for Sömmer Kamp then ghost GG like a 12 year old? Ask yourselves these questions. GG will wait.

  • Want to get in early on a couple of the things that are headed your way? Cool cool.

    • Start doing push-ups. You know, 5 or 6, couple times a day . . .

    • Maybe go buy a jump rope or order one on Amazon for delivery by the end of the week . . .

    • Soon you will get the details on the 5 Rings Olympiad Maesterbonus. This special bonus opportunity only appears once every four years. You must earn each of the five rings in order to claim the bonus but when you do, WOW. The trick is, you’re not going to know how to earn the rings. Yes, GG will provide clues and the like, but you’ll have to figure it out on your own. And since GG is not a complete monster, he’s giving you the first ring for free. Earn every daily punkte (the +3p for food, drink and exercise), each day from today, July 19th, until August 3rd to earn your first of the five rings (yes, astute Füsters will note that Aug. 3rd is also the last day of Singelt game play . . . hmmmm). What other big accomplishments might you have to complete to earn the other four rings?

That’s it for now. More to come later this week. Get those reports in each day by noon so GG can maintain his mental health. Have a great week and glad you’re here with us at Sömmer Kamp!

Griswalde Grolar

SÖMMER KAMP 2021 Pre-Game Update

Hallo Füsters and welcome back to the Spielbrett! We’re going to dispense with the pleasantries and get right down to the (flank) meat of the issue, as Sömmer Kamp is supposed to be Winterfüste’s lighter, faster, better looking self (like you’ll be in seven weeks time!) . . .

Here we go!

  • With only one Neo-Füste, we’re going to skip the heavy handed welcome email. You all know who you are and what to do!

  • Tonight you’ll receive the link, via text, to the Startenfüste Assessment. Super simple. Weigh in tomorrow morning (July 17th), do as many push-ups and sit-ups as you can, do a forearm plank for as long as you can, notate any significant injuries you’re currently dealing with and feel free to leave a comment or two, record all on the assessment sheet and you’re good to go! Make sure you send GG a pic of you on the scale too, so he can verify your starting weight (707-779-8372), in case you accidentally deleted his contact info).

  • Some time tomorrow, you’ll receive the link, via text, to your new Daily Reporting Tool (the thing you can save to your phone’s home screen). You’ll need to use this new one and not the one from Winterfüste. It’s leaner and easier to use . . .

  • And speaking of the Daily Reporting Tool, you will now use it to report off on bonus activity. You’ll see a new text box titled “BONUS COMPLETED”. Simply write the name of the bonus you completed the day before (e.g. “STRAVA 5K for July”) in the text area. A new box will open and you can select the appropriate number of punkte that you scored for the bonus. Then simply text GG whatever proof that bonus requires (again, e.g. for the STRAVA 5K you have to send GG a screen pic of your completion note from STRAVA). That’s it. One of the great things (for GG, not so much for you) is that he gets to experiment with new concepts and systems during the shorter Füste events so we’re going to try this new one and see how it goes.

  • Another important difference for Sömmer Kamp, you can earn the right to have a frosty beverage on the weekends (or whatever passes as a weekend for you shift workers). What do you have to do to earn the Getränk Token? Score 15 total punkte (not including bonupunkte . . . nice try) between Monday and Friday of each week and you’ll earn the right to have a drink on either Saturday or Sunday, your choice.

  • Fasting is back but we’ll concentrate on the “intermittent” fast concept so that’s dawn to dusk every Monday starting on July 26th. No full day fasts (not any that are pre-scheduled at least).

  • Because Sömmer Kamp is its own thing, you'll receive an invitation to a new SK 2021 STRAVA club. Keep your peels eyed for that tomorrow.

  • Please go here to sign the liability waiver and remove GG from having to be responsible for any bad decisions you make over the next seven weeks. He just shows you the door, you’re the one who decides to go through it.

  • Don’t forget, if you need a refresher on how to play the game, go here. After that, take a minute to review the Regulbuch (Rule Book) here.

  • And finally, if you haven’t paid your $50 game fee, please do so now using Venmo. Search for @ggrolar. If you don’t have Venmo, let GG know and he’ll open up the website pay wall for you.

That’s if for now. Very excited you’ve decided to join up for Sömmer Kamp and looking forward to all the amazing things you’ll accomplish!

Good luck and may the Füste be with you!


Finalefüsten: On the controlled release of the Füsters back into the wild . . .


The 71 days of Winterfüste 2021 have come to an end and with that we close the door on what was ultimately a pandemic recovery Füste. Extra long, extra hard, built to break the shell of coagulated flank meat that had encased many of us like an early and unwanted sarcophagus. To GG’s delight, the Füsters didn’t disappoint. You showed up to play hard from day one, some brand new to the concept, some already seasoned by past Füste events. We started with a record 122 players and 79 crossed the finish line at the Finalefüste, a 65% completion rate. The average weight loss was just under 10 pounds, which is in line with what we’ve seen from past events (maybe a little low but as the player count increases we’ll see more divergence from the year over year averages). Assessment reporting was significantly down this year with only 57 of the finishing players reporting in their final weight loss (72% compliance). As a result, GG has to estimate total weight loss but he knows that 57 players reported losing 530 pounds and if you work the average over 79 players, total weight loss for WF21 should be right around 806 pounds (not counting any weight lost by those who retired out early). If you have to burn roughly 3000 calories to kill a pound of flank meat, then we collectively torched 2.5 million calories over the last ten weeks. Not too shabby, folks. But here’s where it gets hard (harder than the game without any question). For all the work you just did, it takes 9 months of maintaining a new weight for your metabolic thermostat to reset. So what does that mean? It means your work has only begun. Right not your entire body is like one giant abrasion. Yes, you’ve scraped off 10 - 30 pounds of flank meat but just like a dermal injury, your body will now want to scab over (with flank meat, yuck) and heal. It wants to put that extra weight back on and it’s going to do what it can to get you on board with that plan. But if you can hold it together long enough, your body will recognize your new weight as its baseline and the fight in 2022 will be much, much easier. So how do you do that then? How do you hold your body off from what it naturally wants to do? Routine, accountability, structure. All the things you just did for the last ten weeks to get where you are today. You don’t need a GG to stand over your shoulder or wag a finger at you each day. You just need to put the habits you’ve been practicing since Jan. 2nd into play now, for reals. What’s that look like? 6 days on, 1 day off. Start there. For the rest of 2021, GG challenges you to maintain your current eating/drinking/schmerzing pattern for 6 days each week. The 7th day you can do what you want with. Eat what you want. Drink what you want. But maybe help keep things balanced on that special day by doing a Doppelt or Trippelt work out so that everything stay high and tight. There is absolutely no reason to return to the poor habits of 2020. Ask yourself this. On the cheat day, did you feel good? Did the food you ate really taste that amazing? The buzz was that impactful? If you’re like GG and you look at things as they are and not as how we’d like them to be, you’d realize that the food and drink didn’t make things better. Now think about the days you were outside, running or hiking or biking or whatever you did. How’d that feel? Yes, you had your hard days out there in the world but for the most part, it felt pretty damn good, didn’t it? Play those two concepts together and try not to forget what you did and how you got here. Too many Füsters have learned a hard lesson once Winterfüste has ended. They fall off the wagon and undo ten weeks worth of work in a fraction of the time. Don’t do it. It’s not worth it. Keep to the principles of the Füste. Limit sugar intake. Limit your drinking. Get outside every day you can and exercise. Try this. Each week, bank 18 punkte. If you slip up, do a Doppelt to earn back the lost point. Play the principals of the game forward and use it to set parameters for yourself. You like how you feel right now, how your clothes fit and how you look. Why would you give that up just so you can eat processed krap that’s ultimately going to poison you and make you old before your time? Yes, that’s a dramatic statement but also true. GG puts a lot of time and energy into you whether you realize it or not. Now do the same for yourself. You’re worth it. I promise. But if you slip up, we’ll be back to get you on track again. That’s what we try do here at the Füste, to give you what you need to be successful, even if you didn’t know you needed it.

And with that, GG will sign off for the foreseeable future. This Füste was experimental in many ways, from the new bonuses to the reporting structure. I’m sure many of you have comments, recommendations and concerns and GG plans on putting out a survey in the next couple of weeks to gather all that valuable intel. As always, GG thanks you for inviting him into your life for this short amount of time and letting him boss you around. There’s nothing quite like watching someone who didn’t think they could do something not only succeed at it but go far beyond their own preconceived limitations. Cause here’s the secret behind everything hard. If you think you can do it, you can. If you know you can’t, you won’t. Pretty simple really.

As always and until we meet again on the Spielbrett,

May the Füste be with you . . .

Griswalde Grolar





Average distance across the United States: 3000 miles . . . we walked/ran/rode to New York and back again, TWICE!!


Waist Management: 62#

Skwäk Skwäd: 57#

Superflüffers: 51#

H. Spanglers: 37#

She-Teufel: 30#

House of Payne: 27#

Skwäd Skål: 21#

Pandemic Skwäd: 20#

Bod Skwäd: 20#

Nachoskwäd: 17#

Ebies Anchor: 16#

HIIT Skwäd: 14#

Fussa Zwei: 9#

Badass Skwäd: 7#

Skwäd Runn: 4#

TOTAL REPORTED WEIGHT LOSS (57 of 79 finishers): 530 pounds

TOTAL ESTIMATED WEIGHT LOSS (79 finishers): 806 pounds (that’s 54 long dogs!)

Week 10 . . . Finishing Strong


So we’re here, incredibly, at the end of another Winterfüste. It’s the final week of a particularly long event (GG has not done 10 weeks before but given the damage of Rona Year ‘21, he felt it necessary to increase time on task for prime flank meat destruction). To date, this has been one of the most interesting and unquestionably competitive Füste events of the modern era (I think one could make the argument that this even rivals WF1910 where Ernst Toller, one of the founders of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, challenged Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, a famous actor of the time, to a duel at the Finalfüste event in Dresden; Ernst had questioned whether Chaplin had actually climbed Mont Blanc to score his 3rd Wanderungfüste bonus . . . but GG digresses). Point being, you have all taken part in something quite extraordinary this year. 100+ players will finish the event this year. That in and of itself is quite incredible. But the battle that has been raging for a top 20 spot is something GG has not seen recently and he is quite impressed and overwhelmed by the dedication to the Füste that he has witnessed these last 9 weeks. But the game isn’t quite over and really there are any number of players who could still win and claim the title of Bestenfüste ‘21!

Couple of updates:

  • All bonus opportunities are posted and all are still live (save the Jan and Feb STRAVA allowances which closed at the end of each month). While combo bonuses are still not a thing, remember that GG is now allowing for more than one bonus per day.

  • Homework officially ends today. Get your last audit in for a +1p bonus and after that you can stand down on the push ups and sit ups etc. For those who did it consistently, GG has nothing but respect and admiration. Strong work across the board!

  • We will also be cancelling the final No Meat Monday and Fastentag Day this coming week so you can focus exclusively on Schmerzenfüste Trippelts and bonus allowances. Got get those punkte!

  • As was discussed early on, there will obviously be no in-person Finalfüste event next Saturday. While things seem to be opening up, COVID-19 levels in CA are still equal to last Summer’s surge numbers (it seems like no one is talking about this) and most of CA is still in the Purple Tier (meaning the disease remains “widespread” throughout the state). As a result, WF21 will end somewhat unceremoniously, which for GG is quite disappointing. The Finalfüste event is where he gets to meet many of the Neo-Füstes for the first time and where we celebrate both the singular and group accomplishments. GG had thought to finish things out with a Skwäd based virtual competition but has decided against this based on the general lack of overall enthusiasm for group Füste activities (and yes, GG knows that there are some that have done amazing work with the Skwäds this year but mostly the percentage of players just weren’t able to get behind the concept). GG may still attempt something virtual at 17:00 hours on next Saturday to mark the closing of the game. More to come here.

  • One thing GG would like to call out is the success of some of the new and more difficult challenges this year. While some had questioned whether the Füsters were up for it, you absolutely slayed the new Wanderungfüste three tiered challenge and the Höllenwhoche (Hell Week) challenge! And as always, the Drachenfüste Challenge (currently on-going) is turning out to once again be a real showcase for what you’ve personally accomplished this year! You should all be very, very proud of what you have done here!

  • Next Saturday will close with the Finalfüste assessment. This will be the same basic assessment you did at the Startenfüste and the mid-point. Hopefully it will capture some impressive results and demonstrate to you what you can do if you simply dedicate yourself to an idea.

That’s if for now. Here’s wishing you all an amazing final week of Winterfüste 2021. GG will have one final update/communication near the end of the week. For those with bonuspunkte left on the board, put your nose to the schleifstein and go get those points! You have seven days left and many, many players can finish considerably higher up the Bestenliste. So finish strong and as always, may the Füste be ever with you!


Week 9 Update: Bringing It Home


We have two weeks left of WF2021, meaning you’ve made it 80% of the way there with only a couple MAJOR hurdles to get over before you’re released back to your own devices . . .

  • Check out the Bonuspunkte page here for all the remaining bonus opportunities over the next two weeks. Week 10 bonuses will not start until Sunday, March 7th but you can get a preview now. Also, don’t forget that STRAVA bonuses reset on this Monday, March 1st, so you can once again earn up to +6p as we finish out the game.

  • Almost all bonuses are still available and in play until the final day of the game. Many of you have left a ton of bonuspunkte on the table and earning even some of it would boost you far up the Bestenliste. To make things more interesting, GG is officially lifting the moratorium on completing more than one bonus per day (you still can’t combo two bonuses for the same event though). So get out there and get that punkte!

  • Trippelt Schmerzenfüste begins TOMORROW, Feb. 28th. Check the Regelbuch (Rule Book) for the details on what you need to do to earn +3p each day for exercise/pain.

  • Week 9 is the last week of homework and next weekend is the last chance to earn the extra bonus for an audit . . . speaking of audits, have you been letting that simpe +1p bonus slip through your fingers? Are you going to again this weekend (hand over face emoji)?

  • By tomorrow night, we’ll be down to one final head to head between the last two Skwäds left in the Skwädron Tournament. But even so, that doesn’t mean that the rest of the Skwäds are out of the running for the BestenSkwädron competition that ends on the Finalefüste. Just cause you our of the Tournament doesn’t mean you should stop fighting for the Skwäd points!

That’s it for now. There’s plenty of game play still left to keep you busy while we bring this thing home. Everyone continues to do an amazing job this Füste. We started with 122 players (a record setting number) and in two months of Füsting we’ve only retired 20 Füsters. That is insane and a statement on your dedication to finishing what you started! Keep it up, get through Hell Week, slay that Dragon and then use WF2021 as a launching pad to a great rest of the year!

As always, may the Füste be with you!