The Penultimate Week of WF25 is Here!

Hallo Füsters and willkommen to the next to last week of Winterfüste ‘25!

If you’re still here and reading this it means you’re one of those elite Füsters who will just not give up the 👻 (like about 50% of the starting players!). GG commends you for your dedication to the game and your commitment to do everything you can to defeat your flank meat in these last weeks of the game! Gut gemacht!!

And now here’s this week’s update:

  • Week 8’s approved workout parameters are as follows:

    • 3 Trippelts

    • 1 Doppelt

    • 3 Singelts

  • Let’s talk Long Winter Wogging. Second to last in this event series, this week’s wog is 12 miles. Exhaustively long, mentally debilitating, probably PTSD-inducing (but still not as bad as the final wog next week). Get out there and just grind it out. You already did 11 miles last week (and a total of 45 miles to date if you’ve been doing these weekly) . . . what’s one more mile between Füsting friends? 🤔

  • Go here to review the other Weekly and Side Quest Bonuses available to you for Week 8.

  • How about some good news? We’re done with the 24 hour Fastentag and for the last two weeks we will only be doing the dawn to dusk fast! So tomorrow, Feb. 24th, get up and leave your mouth hole alone until the sun goes down around 05:45pm. Crazy how easy a 12 hour fast will feel after the last five weeks of 24s!

  • Don’t slack off your homework just yet as Week 9 has both your Final Exam and the dreaded 3 minute plank! That means you’ve got two week’s left to get your core ready for extreme pain and discomfort!

  • A lot of Completion Bonuses will now start to hit as players finish up any given series of bonuses. This past week we’ve already seen the +10p Parkenfüster Completion Bonus delivered to any Füster who completed all three of the Parkenfüste events. This coming week will see the +10p Wanderunfüster bonus awarded to anyone who finishes all three of the climbing events. And GG is going to release the +15p Side Quest ⚔️ bonus this Saturday (a little earlier than planned) so that the Bestenliste is fully squared up and accurate going into the final week of game play!

  • GG’s going to open Drachen slayage season early and allow players to slay their personal drachens starting this Saturday, March 1st. That will give you two extra weekend days to get it done as Week 9 is actually short with only six days total. Remember, this is a three stage process. First, propose your Drachen to GG for approval (please do not be surprised or offended if GG denies a Drachen that does not meet the spirit of what we’re trying to do here, i.e. it’s too easy). Second (and the hard part), complete the Drachen slayage. And finally, report off to GG that the Drachen is down and slayed, including GPS or HR proof of each segment (as needed). GG will then personally score you the +15p überbonus (and it will be his honor to do so!). The Drachen will count as a Trippelt but cannot be used in conjunction with any other Weekly Bonuses. AND one more very important point, the Drachen slayage must be done as one continuous event. So if you’re planning on doing a series of different Singelts or whatever, you need to complete them back to back to back etc. This isn’t an event you can spread out over the whole day. And finally, a little secret bonus . . . successful Drachen slayage awards you not only a Trippelt, not only a mega +15p bonus, but you also get your food and drink point for free that day. Which means you can celebrate slaying your Drachen with an icy beverage and a pizza pie (if you want)!

    See below for last week’s summary of how the Drachen bonus works:

    For new players left in the game, the slayage of your Drachen is the ultimate goal and event during Winterfüste. A Drachen is equal to 5X a Singelt workout but you can combine back to back Singelts and Doppelts and Trippelts to create a Drachen (e.g. add a 4 mile walking Singelt to a 5.5. mile running Doppelt plus a 45 minute spin Singelt and finally a 7000m row Singelt and you’d have yourself a very slayable Drachen). Now, you can also have your Drachen focus on a only one workout parameter like running or swimming or cycling (e.g. run a half marathon or ride 70 miles on a bike). You can go HERE to review the Drachen requirements listed for each single workout type if you want to go in that direction. Remember, you are free to be creative on how you want to design your Drachen event but you must notify GG in advance of what you want to do so he can approve your planned slayage. If you have any questions at all, just reach out to GG and he’ll be happy to explain in more detail.

That’s it for this week’s update. We’re so close to being finished here, don’t give up with only 13 days of game play left! This is when you need to lock in and really push yourself out of your comfort zone! GG knows the final two week’s of WF25 are a bear but they’re a bear that only eats flank meat and wants nothing more than to help you look good naked! So stay the course and get comfortable being uncomfortable (that’s where all the good stuff happens!).

May the Füste be with you,