Hallo former Füsters!
Griswalde Grolär here, Geschäftsführer of the Füste, announcing that registration for Winterfüste ‘24 is now open and we here at Füste HQ have some big news!
First, after taking stock of the last few years of game play, we’re returning to the Füste’s origins and re-focusing on what Herr Doktor Mediziner Schneebärtchen considered the core principal of the Füste . . . the battle against the compounding consequences of a holiday season filled to the brim with gluttony and sloth! Winterfüste ‘24 is going to double down on your health and fitness by bringing the game back to the basics. GG has designed a new version of the game that embraces some of the original Füsting concepts first presented on the Spielbrett over 225 years ago in Bavaria!
Here’s just a couple examples of what you have to look forward to in the New Year:
The individual game will be stripped down and focused in on your personal growth and post holiday rehabilitation! It’s going to be less about bonus play and more about the daily grind of earning your punkte and punishing that flank meat. Prepare to meet your maker, Flankenfleisch! This also means that you can top the leader board without have to take a selfie under a full moon or dress up like a Squat Lobster! In addition, GG is restructuring the individual game to include a legacy ranking system whereby a player can earn a specifically designated rank at the completion of each Füste and this designation will move forward with them to each future event. For instance, finish the game in the top 3 and earn your Goldener Gürtel. Finish in the top 10, Silbener Gürtel for you. Top 25, that’s a Bronzegürtel. Once a Gürtel is earned, you’ll keep and carry it into your next Füsting event. So maybe you don’t need to worry so much about achieving Bestenfüste and can spend more energy on trying to improve your overall ranking game over game, eh?
But what if you really like the bonus play? Well, don’t worry, Füster, cause GG’s got you covered. Going back through the journals of Herr Schneebärtchen, GG found a repeated reference to a long forgotten touchstone of the original Füste, namely the Spielhaus. When Füsting was first introduced in 1798, each player was sorted into one of four Spielhauser: Bärenhaus, Wolfshaus, Drachenhaus and Wienerhaus. These four houses and their members would go on to represent the elite of the Füsting world for over 100 hundred years before being overshadowed by the impacts of the ever shifting geopolitical dynamics of the early 20th Century. Well, GG’s going old school and resurrecting these great and proud game houses to return them to their former glory. Each Füster will be placed in their appropriate Haus after visiting with the Sortierhelm . . . and as with the original Füsters, your Haus assignment is permanent and will follow you year after year for your Füsting career! Bonuspunkte and much of the extra game play will be collected within the footprint of your Haus and not only can you win your Haus outright but during each Füste all four Hauser will compete for the ultimate designation of Bestenhaus!
That’s just a couple examples of some of the innovative game play coming to you in Winterfüste ‘24. But one last thing before GG sends you over to the registration page . . . It’s a proven fact that you stand a better chance of Füsting success if you surround yourself with friends and family who are on the same 9 week journey as you. To help with this, GG’s going to cut you a deal: recruit five new or former Füsters and you’ll get a free entry to Winterfüste ‘24. You heard GG right, bring five players to the game and you’ll get your $100 entry fee waived. There are worse things in this world then dropping flank meat and looking good naked without cracking open your wallet, amiright?
Okay, that’s enough for now . . . GO HERE TO REGISTER FOR WINTERFÜSTE ‘24 and we’ll see you on the Spielbrett on the morning of January 2nd, 2024! Have a happy Christmas!