Week 1 Update

So there he was, your flank meat, just minding his own business after the holidays, fat and happy like a summer tick latched lovingly to a dog’s hind quarters. But then you had to go and do this “Füste” thing (some not for the first time) and now suddenly his life has turned upside down. Where are the big meals, the steins of fine ale, the glasses of wine and the tumblers of amber liquid poured languidly over singularly large and perfect cuts of ice? What happened to the gravy and the potatoes, the breads and the baked goods and all those deserts? Suddenly, his life, your flank meat’s very existence, has been called into question by your selfish (so selfish!) newly practiced self discipline! Do you mean to destroy me, he wants to yell up at you (but of course, having no mouth and being primarily a tube of adipose wrapped around your midsection, buttocks and thighs, he cannot emote or communicate outside of growing or shrinking). And after only the first four days of Winterfüste, you can smugly look down at him and say, “FU, pal, your reign of terror is coming to an end”.

That’s right, you’re now going on five days free of the trappings of sugar, fermented or otherwise, and the unholy nightmare of “processed” food stuffs, designed specifically to keep you sedated and thoughtless, overstuffed and sluggish and incapable of questioning the “why” of anything important. But soon, very soon, detoxification will begin, your hands will steady, your tongue will freshen, your blood will flow free and your eyes will be bright and constant. This “veränderung” (or change) as Mediziner Schneebärtchen called it, will come over you and like the simple caterpillar that retreats to it’s chrysalis to emerge later as a winged schmetterling, so shall you have changed into something powerful and lean and healthy (but probably without flight capability).

So GG commends you, as always for stepping onto the Spielbrett and taking this collective journey of self-improvement, one that so many before you have taken over the last two hundred years.

But enough of this self suckling, let’s talk shop . . .

You have survived the introductory period of WF19 and you have managed to not strangle or injure any bystanders. Good for you. But now it’s time for the game to really begin and this week, “Week 1”, will see several of the core game principles come into play.

  • Fasting: Tomorrow, January 7th, begins the Fastentag tract. From here until game’s end, every Monday and every Thursday, if you so choose, you will perform a water only fast from sun-up till sun-down. Unlike its big bad brother HG Days, Fastentag does not allow for any caloric consumption during the fasting period. Water only (yes, you may consume water based “brews” like black coffee or tea, but that is slightly self-defeating). Be very careful if you are new to fasting as your system may be unprepared for a complete interruption of caloric uptake. If you become light headed or dizzy, eat something. This challenge is only worth 0.5p for each completed day, so it’s not worth keeling over and smashing your brain pan on the floor. If you manage to complete all 16 Fastentag Days for WF19, there will be a +5p bonus waiting for you the evening of Feb. 28th (but that is a long, long ways away). For those Füsting in NorCal, sun-up tomorrow is 07:26 and sunset is 17:05. Those playing in the Southern Expansion Pack will see sun-up at 06:52 and sunset at 04:58. If you will be partaking in this challenge, good luck and please make good decisions.

  • Hausaufgaben: This week also introduces you to “homework”. The controlled destruction of your flank meat is not enough. You must seek to also rebuild yourself, to gain muscle where you once had only soft flesh. To help prod you into this uncomfortable activity, GG will assign you Hauaufgaben. Each week you will receive a work-out based homework assignment that you will need to complete at least three times during the week. This work out will include body weight work out dependencies only (meaning you will not need any equipment to complete). Because it is not practical for you to send proof in every time you complete your homework, GG reserves the right to audit you at any point in the game (his version of “drop and give me 20”). When called upon to complete an audit, you will have until 17:00 hours that day to send video proof of completion to GG (or JJ for the SEP players). Failure to submit or failure to complete the audit will find you sucking punkte from your Gruppen total like a black hole with a bad attitude. Pro-Füster tip: do your Hausaufgaben immediately after completing that day’s +1p Schmerzenfüste (exercise). It will be a lot easier than trying to motivate yourself to do the assignment cold.

    Week 1’s Hausaufgaben Assignment is to complete three rounds of the following:

    • 5 push-ups (20)

    • 5 forward lunges each leg, 10 total (22)

    • 10 sit ups to twist (52)

    • 10 squats (1) or 20 second wall hold for those with bad knees (to complete, stand with your back to a flat wall, press your back against the wall and slide down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, hold your arms straight out in front of you and hold position)

    • 10 hip bridges (28)

    • 5 v-ups (50)

    • 30 second plank (as always, planks performed on forearms)

The number in parentheses after each of the iterations above corresponds with the explanation of said maneuver on a good reference page found HERE.

  • What happens if you get sick or injured during WF19? If this happens, you may have to go onto the DL or “disabled list”. If you move to the DL, your Gruppen will not be penalized and they will continue to receive your +3p each day that you are out. You, however, will continue to be held to the same daily standard as always UNLESS you take a Krankentag or “sick day”. Each player is allowed exactly three Krankentags per Füste. Taking a Krankentag means that you are too ill to be held to the performance requirements of the game for that day. You will receive your full +3p with no questions asked. However, be aware that Krankentags are meant to be used ONLY when you are very, very ill or injured. If you are found to have taken a Krankentag when not ill, simply so you could indulge yourself freely of all those things that would seek to destroy you, you will be immediately 86’d from the game with no refund. Krankentags are a show of mercy to you, the good Totemfi. Do not abuse said mercy.

  • No new individual bonuses will be released this week, but Week 1’s Plankenfüste Gruppen Bonus Allowance has been updated on the website.

  • Did you actually read this entire blog entry? If so, don’t forget to add the phrase “Der Wolf kommt” to tomorrow’s morning report-off (remember to include a report for both Saturday and Sunday’s activities). You’ll earn a +1p bonus for your reading comprehension skills.

That’s all for now. GG (and JJ) would like to commend everyone on their attention to the daily reporting aspect of the game. To date, reports have been made early each day, which is a gott schicke to the game managers. Excellent work, everyone! Also, GG would be remiss if he did not comment on how impressed he is with so many T-Füstes hitting the really difficult bonuses early. It has been a long time since so many have “ice watered” or “snow angeled” during the first five days of a Winterfüste event. Truly commendable! Keep it up and möge die Füste mit sein!



Guten tag, Füsters and willkommen to Winterfüste 2019, the 220th anniversary edition of Mediziner Schneebärtchen’s radical social experiment to wage war on the inevitable complacency of the human condition. Today begins the annual Winter battle against the flank meat that spent the holiday season invading and conquering your personal landscape. Go stand naked before a mirror (GG will wait) and behold the horror of what you have become over the last 90 days. Now let that image burn into your brain because as of this morning, it all stops! As Mediziner Schneebärtchen first declared in 1799, NICHT MEHR!.

But enough sermonizing from GG, let’s get down to brass tacks as it were . . .

Have you reviewed the Regelbuch (Rule Book) yet? If not, first ask yourself why you are like this, and second click here to do so immediately.

Let’s start with some opening day BONUSPUNKTE !

  • Bauchfüste Fettleibigkeit Reporting Bonus: In the past, you’ve mailed in your starting weight for this bonus competition (don’t know what GG is talking about? Click here to review all currently available game bonuses). This year, we’re doing things different. This morning, step on a scale and take a pic of the weight (if you have gnarly paws please wear socks as GG has low tolerance for poor foot health) and text the pic to GG (or JJ is you’re playing in the Southern Expansion Pack (SEP) game). Your starting weight will be recorded and the pic will be deleted. You will then receive a +1p reporting bonus to start your Füste!

  • Kinder zu Hause Bonus: New this year, a bonus for those who have sought to play forward their genetic code to guarantee that flank meat has something to do in 2050! Do you have children at home who are 16 or younger? Are these children a constant source of stress and debilitation during a Füste event? Feel like you should get credit for dealing with this while you’re trying to eat right and not drink yourself into peaceful oblivion every night? GG agrees! So today, send a text to GG (or JJ for the SEP players) and declare the number of dependent children you currently have living under your roof and you’ll receive a +3p bonus for each wenig lästig! It does not matter if you “share” them with another adult . . . you’ll get the punkte either way.

  • Report on these two opening day bonus opportunities immediately, as in now, this morning, Jan. 2nd, don’t wait, just do it, send the texts NOW to get your bonuspunkte!

Now some game pointers for successful play . . .

  • Please hold your daily reporting summary until the following day. This means that whatever you do (or don’t do) today will be reported tomorrow. Food, drink and exercise points (and proof) should all be reported together tomorrow before noon via a simple and concise text to GG (or JJ for the SEPs). Bonus activity (and proof) can be reported at any time but it would help GG out if you create a consolidated report each day to cover yesterday’s activity. However, GG knows you get excited and want to send bonus activity in the moment and that’s fine . . .

  • And while we’re on the topic of reporting . . . Sunday’s are a day of rest, meaning that YOU WILL NOT REPORT to GG (or JJ) on Sunday. You will wait until Monday morning and then report off on both Saturday and Sunday’s activity. So once again, do not report off on Sunday for Saturday’s daily activity. Wait until Monday. Report on both Saturday and Sunday on Monday morning. Hopefully this makes sense.

  • Moving forward, most game communication will follow this format: you’ll receive a text that directs you here to the website blog. Email communication will be kept to a minimum as it seems fairly unreliable. However, do realize that your Totemfüste assignment went out over the weekend to your email, as well as a separate information email yesterday that included the “how to pay” link and information. If you have not paid your game fee yet, please do so as soon as possible. You have till this Friday at 17:00 hours and then you will be summarily dropped from competition and your T-Füste will be retired to a dark and quiet cave for the Winter.

  • Remember that lack of Schmerze (exercise) for 72 hours straight will cost your Gruppen a -10p hit. That’s pretty significant and will definitely lead to your piked head being called for . . . So just get out there at least once every three days and fulfill a Schmerzenfüste parameter so your Gruppen mates don’t come for you with torches and pitch forks . . .

  • And on that note, lack of reporting for 72 hours will lead to an immediate DNF (did not finish) and expulsion from the game (without a refund!). You came here to play, committed to yourself to defeat your meat, so don’t mess it up by being a lazy drechsack and not report. Set a daily alarm NOW! It’s so easy to report off, just 30 seconds of your time and a text to GG (or JJ) and you’re done for the day.

A couple of final points:

  • There is no Hausaufgaben Assignment (home work) for this week. Home work will start next week during the first full week of game play. Check back here on Sunday for the details of what will lie in wait for you next week.

  • The first Fastentag Day is next Monday. That’s the first fasting day of WF19. Remember, on Fastentag Days, fasting starts at sun-up and goes to sun down. More on this on Sunday’s weekly update.

Alright, that’s it for now. Congratulations on your dedication to self-improvement and GG wishes you a highly successful Füste-based campaign against your flank meat! Welcome to the new year and hopefully a radically smaller you in 8 weeks time.

GG out.

Oh, did you read that whole diatribe? Good. Text GG (or JJ for the SEPs) “Ich lese es” NOW to receive a +1p secret bonus!

Finale Sömmer Kamp Update - August 24th

Morning Füsters . . . 

We sit today on the eve of the Finalefüste and what an interesting journey it's been to get here. For one, GG learned that Sömmer based Füsting for our desert based Totemfi is a major challenge. Hard to bonus when it's 115F outside. Also, it seems like the seasonal expectation of a cold beer at the end of a hot Summer afternoon was just too much for too many. As of this morning, we have the largest number of DNF'd Totemfi that we've ever seen in a Füste. Twenty-one Füsters just could not make it through the full seven week (also interesting to note this was the shortest Füste too) event. That's more Füsters than are left on either of the two Gruppens! And as mentioned before, it seems that at the current level of infrastructure (no app based reporting system and local game play only) the Füste's future will be Winterfüste based only for the foreseeable future. So if you're interested in Füsting in 2019, plan accordingly as there will only be the one event. 

Alright, some final notes . . .

  • As already mentioned, tomorrow is the FInalfüste where those who are attending will be thrown in the meat grinder known as the Finale Konfrontation. The forecast is for a high of 81F at the time we'll be getting started so it will be warm. You are going to be active for about an hour so wear something sporty that you don't mind getting dirty. And then the temp is going to drop into the upper 60's as the afternoon goes on so a sweatshirt would probably be a good idea too. But most importantly, remember that Hitzegruppen should wear a red top and Sonnegruppen a yellow.
  • After much thought and learning that some Füsters were going to do it anyways, GG is stepping the menu back to the good ol' traditional pizza (as opposed to half cooked chicken and burgers on the park's charcoal grills). So if that was your plan, know that GG has you covered. Please bring tasty appetizer type foods to supplement or a "dessert" like substance.
  • If you kept a Foodenbuch, please remember to bring it to the Finalefüste so you may earn your  bonus. Also, for those who are participating in the Bauchfüste Fettleibigkeit Challenge, you'll be weighing in naked in front of everyone so prepare for that experience.. GG jests, of course, but yes there will be a scale there to get your final weights. You may want to weigh yourself at home naked and then with your FK outfit on so you know how much to subtract from that final weigh in.
  • Did you slay your Drachen? GG has to say he is very pleased with the Sömmer Kamp Drachen body count. You guys have really outdone yourself when it came to putting down those big scaly bastards. While some really went overboard and are probably permanently damaged (GG's going to have to update his "days since a work place injury" sign), everyone who actually took on the Drachen challenge did an amazing job of finding something that would be a real challenge and then getting out there to see that challenge through. Given that Drachen-slayage is almost completely self-driven, it's really amazing to see what you guys can do! Hopefully you surprised yourself . . .

Remember you can still earn daily activity punkte for tomorrow so the game isn't over until 16:00 hours in the park. Still a chance to move up in the rankings or drop that one Totemfi who's been shadowing you for the last couple of weeks. Finish strong!

In case there's any confusion around exactly where to go tomorrow, GG will send each of you a text with a pinpoint location at about 3pm. If you're driving over, remember that parking will primarily be found in the park and therefore you'll have to pay. If you're planning on drinking, it's always a much better idea to Lyft over.

See you tomorrow and have a great last two days of Füsting!


Update August 17th

Quick update as we move into the final weekend of Sömmer Kamp . . . 

  • It's time for your Drachenfüste. For those who have proposed, tomorrow marks the the first day you can pull the trigger on your Drachen slayage. For those who haven't, are you really going to just give away +10p because of a little pain and suffering? Get your proposal into GG, get it approved and then get it done!
  • Don't forget that we're firmly in Trippelt country now. Tripple the Schmerze means triple the punkte!
  • So much bonuspunkte left on the table right now. Give yourself a healthy bump in the rankings by knocking out some of the bonus allowances. How hard could it be to hit a couple people with wasserballons (actually based on some of the videos sent to GG, it's apparently VERY difficult)?
  • Invitations went out earlier in the week for the Finalefüste and GG really needs you to RSVP so that he can plan accordingly. At this point, and GG's just going to say it, there are not enough people attending to actually have a Finale Konfrontation. So please just respond to the invite (check your spam folder if you didn't see it) yay or nay so that GG knows what he's doing next Saturday.

That's it. No much left to say. Have a great weekend and get out there for one last big push this final week. After the 25th you're back on your own and staring down the barrel of the coming holiday season where you're flank meat will be waiting for you disguised first as the Great Pumpkin, then a stuffed turkey, and finally as a stocking filled with tasty treats. Hopefully the work you did over the last seven weeks will help you stare down that threat with minimal negative impact. An interesting note, GG is pretty certain this will be the last non-Winterfüste Füsting event. There just seems to be something about the cold, post-holiday blues that really drives a Füster to greatness. The rest of the year, not so much. Sömmer Kamp has been an interesting experiment but seems to have been more of a struggle than a celebration. So, thank you all for participating. GG always learns a lot from each of these Füsting events. One last "did you actually read this bonus" . . . text GG the German for "long dog" to gain a +1p individual bonus!

See you next Saturday (hopefully) . . . 


Update August 13th

Morning Füsters . . . see anything cool in the sky last night? Hopefully the smoke wasn't too bad where you were and you got to see the Perseid's do their thing!

Now let's talk about Week 6 (less than two weeks of Sömmer Kamp left):

  • Your Hausaufgaben Assignment for Week 6 is to complete three rounds of the following: 12 standard push-ups, 25 sit-ups (do not secure your feet), 35 air squats (or 75 second wall-hold) and a 60 second plank, take a 1 minute break, do a 2nd 60 second plank (yep, you can do it). You'll want to practice this assignment at least three times this week.
  • Two HG Days this week, one on Tuesday and you guessed it, one on Friday. Dawn to dusk. Tuesday 6:24am to 8:05pm and Friday 6:27am to 8:01pm. 
  • Invites will be going out for the Finalfüste soon so please make sure to RSVP so GG has a good headcount for the Finale Konfrontation. Given how close the Gruppen game has been, we'll need all hands on deck to make this the battle it deserves to be. And don't worry, GG promises a much improved FK experience over last Winterfüste . . . that kind of fell apart. We've got a great venue to fit the Sömmer Kamp theme and there will be some serious down and dirty game play so mentally prepare yourself now!
  • Drachen proposals are due not later than end of business day on this Friday. So get em in so GG can you give you the thumb's up (and hopefully not down). Remember, this is about pushing yourself into new and scary territory (which you can totally handle) so figure it out and send it over!

Alright, that's enough for now. Have a great week and as always, may the Füste be with you.

Mini-Update Aug. 10th

Evening Füsters . . .  here's a quick update for you.

First, tomorrow begins the final two weeks of Sömmer Kamp. As such, Trippelt Schmerzenfüste will begin. Complete three times the standard workout parameter and score a +3p! You can either just triple something (e.g. 15K run or three hours on the bike etc.) or do three separate single workouts or a doppelt of one and a single of another . . . You may do Trippelts for three days in a row and then you need to stand down to a single again. And yes, you may still continue to score just Doppelts if you don't feel like pushing on into that third tier of schmerze.

Second, we have an official venue for the Sömmer Kamp Finalefùste Konfrontation! We'll be at Spring Lake at the Shady Oaks picnic site. More details to come but make sure you're available on Aug. 25th in the late afternoon to attend the final day of Sömmer Kamp and support your Gruppen in what's sure to be a battle for the ages!

Third, start getting your Drachenfüste proposals into GG as we are only 7 days away from the final week of SK18. What's a Drachenfüste? Here's a reminder: it's basically the ultimate individual bonus allowance . . . and the whole point of your daily Schmerzenfüste. During the final week of Sömmer Camp (Aug. 18-25th), "slay" your personal dragon by completing a single workout that equals a quadruple standard workout parameter. For example, you're a runner and have been religiously completing the 5K daily runs for +1p, then graduated to the Doppelt 10K and even a couple of the Trippelt 15Ks (yes, that's coming soon). Well, SK18 is seven weeks long and that's just the right amount of time to get you to 20K (i.e. a half marathon). Complete the 20K, slay your Drachen, get +10p. You may use any of the Schmerzenfüste parameters to complete this uber-workout: running, walking, cycling, swimming, etc. You can even propose a combination of the parameters or design your own personal sufferfest . . . just make sure it's long and painful and a true challenge for you to complete and GG will give you the green light.

And finally, with only two full weekends of Füsting left, there's never been a better time to go out there and earn some bonuspunkte! Throw a wasserballon at someone's head, combo a 2018ft hike to a nice picnic spot next to a water hole you can jump in! Take a friend and their dog for a walk, sleep out under the starts, Schmerze after midnight . . . there's a ton of ways to get that punkte. And how bout one more? Stay up late on Sunday night to watch the most impressive show of the year as the Perseid meteor shower comes to town. You'll need to get somewhere away from city lights but once you do you can see 50-100 meteors an hour into the early morning. Do it and report back how many meteors you saw to earn a +3p individual bonus (can't wait till Sunday night and want a damn +1p bonus right now: text GG the answer to this riddle . . . What is always at the end of everything?)

That's it for now. Have a great weekend and as always, may the Füste be with you.

Game Update August 6th

Morning Füsters . . .

Hopefully everyone enjoyed their Betrügentag (hopefully everyone knows what GG is talking about and if not, I guess checking the Twitter feed occasionally would be of value). GG has seen some evidence that a few Füsters enjoyed it a little TOO much resulting in some nausea and discomfort. Re-introducing massive amounts of sugar into your body after a month will do that to you. Moderation is the key to having a good cheat day. Live and learn.

A couple of updates:

  • We have passed the halfway point and are coasting into the final three weeks of Sömmer Kamp. There is a massive amount of bonuspunkte left on the playing field for almost all Füsters so get out there and earn some of it! Don't just stand idly by and let The Wolf run the game!
  • Your Hausaufgaben Assignment for Week 5 is to complete four rounds of the following: 10 standard push-ups, 20 sit-ups (do not secure your feet), 30 air squats (or 60 second wall-hold) and a 60 second plank. You'll want to practice this assignment at least three times this week.
  • Only one Hungriger Geist Day this week and it's tomorrow (Tuesday, Aug. 7th 06:18am to 20:13pm). Wonder why GG puts you through this? Click here to read an article about the benefits of intermittent fasting. 
  • Don't forget that it's time to start putting together your Drachenfüste proposal for GG. You don't want to miss out on the final +10p bonus of the game!

Short update this week. Hope you're all having the best Füste you can have. Talk soon.

Game Update July 30th

Morning Füsters! Here's your Monday morning update for Week 4 . . . 

  • First up, GG apologizes for delays last week in posting to the Bestenliste and being slow to respond. There's a lot going on right now and GG has only so much bandwidth. Hopefully things will go a little smoother this week!
  • IMPORTANT! Week 4 starts Doppelt Schmerzenfüsten! For those of you new to the Füste, this means you now have the opportunity to earn double the daily Schmerzenfüste punkte by simply increasing your output. Two ways to do this: either double a standard workout parameter (run a 10K instead of the standard 5K) or complete two separate parameters (ride your bike for an hour and then run a 5K). Doppelt Schmerzenfüste will increase your daily Schmerzenfüste earning from +1p to +2p. Because some players are complete maniacs, GG will be monitoring this activity closely. You may only complete Doppelt work-outs for three days in a row and then you must step back down to the standard single. We here at The Füste take the risk of sports related injuries seriously and don't want any more players on the DL! Good luck!
  • It's time to get hangry again. Two HG days this week: Tuesday and Friday.  Remember this is a dusk till dawn fast. Tuesday will be from 06:12am to 08:23pm. Friday will be 06:15am to 08:18pm. Clear liquids only. Bon appetit!
  • Let's not forget to do your homework: Your Hausaufgaben Assignment for Week 4 is to complete three rounds of the following: 10 standard push-ups, 20 sit-ups (do not secure your feet), 30 air squats (or 60 second wall-hold) and a 60 second plank. You'll want to practice this assignment at least three times this week.
  • Bonus time! A whole slew of new bonus opportunities have been added to the website. Click here to check them out! GG will be ramping up the Sömmer theme with the bonuses as we enter into August so get ready to go outside and have some fun!
  • "That hurt!" Yep, life, like beauty, is pain, especially when you get nailed with a full wasserballon! Water balloon attacks have been on the rise and with them a lot of individual punkte is getting awarded. Don't get left out! Attack someone now! Remember, GG changed this bonus allowance from Gruppen points to individual points which means you can earn a total +10p to your personal punkte total over the course of the game. [One note here: if you don't want to cause your target too much discomfort, hit them hard the first time. GG has noted that wasserballons thrown at less than full velocity will not break but instead leave a welted and irritated target staring at you in disbelief]
  • Half way there! Well almost. We are rapidly approaching the mid-point of Sömmer Kamp. That means it's time to start thinking about your Drachen. What's that? Well, it's basically the ultimate individual bonus allowance . . . and the whole point of your daily Schmerzenfüste. During the final week of Sömmer Camp (Aug. 18-25th), "slay" your personal dragon by completing a single workout that equals a quadruple standard workout parameter. For example, you're a runner and have been religiously completing the 5K daily runs for +1p, then graduated to the Doppelt 10K and even a couple of the Trippelt 15Ks (yes, that's coming soon). Well, SK18 is seven weeks long and that's just the right amount of time to get you to 20K (i.e. a half marathon). Complete the 20K, slay your Drachen, get +10p. You may use any of the Schmerzenfüste parameters to complete this uber-workout: running, walking, cycling, swimming, etc. You can even propose a combination of the parameters or design your own personal sufferfest . . . just make sure it's long and painful and a true challenge for you to complete and GG will give you the green light.
  • If you made it all the way through this update, text GG the German word for "overkill" and earn a +1p individual bonus. 

Alright, everyone. That's it for now. Enjoy Week 4 and may the Füste be with you!

Game Update July 23rd

Morning Füsters . . . GG hopes everyone had a pleasant weekend.

Couple things. First, some clarification on reporting. It seems GG caused some unintentional confusion with his trip to the coast last weekend. So to be clear, moving forward from this point, the only day you do not report off to GG is Sunday. Hold your reports for both Saturday and Sunday until Monday morning. You will still report off Monday through Saturday. Hopefully this makes sense. 

GG is making a modification to the swim Schmerzenfüste parameter after considerable review of existing data. It seems that most who get in the pool are accomplished swimmers and that 750m takes under 20 minutes which makes this a wildly unimpressive work-out requirement. So moving foreward GG is changing this to a timed requirement. 45 minutes in the pool, regardless of length of swim. Anyone who is new to swimming and just dipping a toe in the water may request a lessened parameter by contacting GG directly.

Your Hausaufgaben ("Homework") Assignment for Week 3 is to complete four rounds of the following: 7 standard push-ups, 15 sit-ups (do not secure your feet), 20 air squats (or 45 second wall-hold) and a 45 second plank. You'll want to practice this assignment at least three times this week.

And one last thing, GG has a sneaking suspicion that many are not reading these updates . . . so if you are, text GG "MUNDLOCH" by 5pm this evening to receive a +1p individual bonus. And GG need not remind you that alerting other Füsters (who are not reading these updates) to this bonus opportunity only hurts you as your goal is to earn more punkte than all other Totemfi!

Alright, that's enough for a Monday. Don't forget tomorrow is HG Day #3. Yah! 


Game Update July 20th

Good morning, Füsters! Just a quick update as we approach the second weekend of Sömmer Kamp . . .

  • CHANGE IS GOOD . . . Sometimes we all make mistakes. In this case, GG made one without even realizing it. The Wasserballon-Angriff Bonus Allowance was always meant to be a Summer version of the Geschirrspuülerfüste Allowance (braking plates) and as such it would be an INDIVIDUAL bonus allowance. Somehow, when putting together the Sömmer Kamp information, GG inadvertently placed it in the Gruppen column. So now it's time to walk that mistake back. Starting today, the Wasserballon-Angriff Allowance scores punkte for your individual total. Those who have already launched attacks will have those points moved over to their individual totals with no detrimental effect to their Gruppen total. Also, some clarified parameters for scoring this bonus: the wasserballon must strike your victim above the knees, it must break on them and you must provide GG with video proof of your successful attack. Alright, that's it. Good luck and happy hunting!


  • KNEE NOISE . . . Are you having issues with the air squats as assigned in your homework? Knees popping and cracking and grinding because, let's face it, you're no spring hähnchen anymore? If this is the case, GG is offering an alternative to the squat. It's called a "wall hold" and those who have Füsted in the past will be familiar. For the rest, a wall hold is where you lean up against a wall and then slide down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. You then hold this position against the wall with your arms held out in front of you (they cannot be used to help support your weight in any way). If you're having trouble with the air squats, go ahead and switch over to wall hold. For this weeks homework, instead of 20 air squats, you may do a 45 second wall hold. All future homework assignments will have the option.


  • AND EVEN MORE BONUSPUNKTE . . . The website has been updated with even more bonus options and opportunities. Take a look and go get your bonuspunkte!


  • MEIN GOTT I'M HUNGRY . . . Today's another HG day so hopefully you're already light headed and irritable like GG. Stay strong today. The more days of intermittent fasting you complete the heavier hit your flank meat will take. There's a strong scientific backing for making yourself this miserable and you'll thank GG when your skinny jeans slide on in September and make your back side look like two baby bears in a picnic blanket. Next week has only one HG day on Tuesday so there's that . . . 


  • SUNDAY IS A DAY OF REST . . . alright, so as in past Füstes, GG is placing a moratorium on reporting off on Sundays. This means YOU WILL NOT REPORT OFF TO GG ON SUNDAYS. Hold your report for Saturday and Sunday's activities until Monday morning. This gives us both a break and keeps your GG emotionally healthy. Do you still report on Saturdays for Friday's activity? Yes, yes you do. Do you report on Sunday? No, no you don't. 

That's if for today's updates. Have a great weekend and get out there and earn that punkte! You guys are doing an amazing job so far. Keep it up and may the Füste be with you!